July 19, 2009

Week 2

Na semana 2 do Animation Mentor, meu assignment foi realizar alguns sketches de pessoas em algum lugar publico, e escolher um deles e passar essa pose para o 3D com o rig STU do Animation Mentor.

Segue meu sketeche e a pose.


Week 2 at Animation Mentor, my assigment was to do some sketches of people in public space, and pick one of then and pass this pose to 3D with STU rig of Animation Mentor.

Here's my sketches and the Pose.


evilanimator_13 said...

ur bouncing ball exercise rocks ! i loved it! But could u plz let me know wat was the planning process behind it ? or wat those AM guys suggested u to get the correct Animation done !it'd be really helpful. thnx

- Sumit Arora ( Ur Orkut friend )

evilanimator_13 said...

Ur Bouncing ball exercise rocks ! i loved it! But could u plz let me know wat was the planning process behind it ? Or wat does AM guys suggested u to get the correct Animation? It'd be really helpful. Thnx a lot

- Sumit Arora ( Ur Orkut friend )

Rick said...

Great Animation, your BB rocks!!!